Thursday, October 11, 2007

Arkansas Democrat Gazette: New place for Cal

Here is the link.

“Ray Ratto of the San Francisco Chronicle isn’t sure what to think about California Coach Jeff Tedford now that Tedford’s team is ranked No. 2 in college football.  “For someone who disavows interest in the polls, California Coach Jeff Tedford still votes in the coaches’ poll each week,” Ratto wrote. “Well, his name is on his ballot each week. Whether he actually votes is an open question.  “ We’d rather believe what many folks believe, that Tedford’s vote is actually handled by an underling. It is standard coaching behavior in the coaches’ poll, it sounds exactly like one of the details Tedford would delegate, and besides, not caring about the polls isn’t a sometimes thing. You have to not care about it every day, day in and day out, and you have to make sure your not caring rubs off on your players.  “ ‘We’ve been ranked before, so this isn’t anything new for us,’ he said in his best don’t-care front. ‘It doesn’t matter to us. The bull’s-eye is on us, no matter what.’”

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