Monday, October 06, 2008

Resumption of Blog

My apologies for the lack of updates last week.  I was on a seven day cruise with my family and had planned to continue updating daily, but the Internet connection was incredibly slow and the cruise was just a little too fun.  Moving forward, I’ll continue to have daily updates up through Cal’s Rose Bowl victory.


Anonymous said...

Hey, glad you had a good time with the family. Necessary stuff. Glad you're back too. I began to wonder if you had just quit the blog. I've had to do my own searching, and that's so tedious.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Zack Follett, thank the lord you're back! Love the work you do and appreciate it greatly. Also love the bit in this post about the rose bowl win for Cal. Welcome back and GO BEARS!!!

Anonymous said...

i can smell the roses.

Bear with Fangs said...

Good to have you back Dave. Cruise? Jealous I am. And Rose Bowl talk? Were you referring to Cal’s eventual return to the Rose Bowl, or are you jinxing us for this year? 

Joe Bloggs said...

I'm glad you are back. you have a beautiful family.