Friday, March 07, 2008


Note from Blogger:


Per their website at, the “California Oak Foundation (COF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization committed to preserving the state's oak forest ecosystem and its rural landscapes”  that “relies on memberships and donations to continue its work.”   What they actually do is fund meritless lawsuits.  Please do not support them.  Give to an actual charity instead.


California Pete said...

This is a dilemma, for I very much support the official mission of the Foundation. Note, however, how far off base the Foundation is in pursuing the Cal project, which has nothing to do with "oak forest ecosystem"--a grove of artificially plant oak trees do not an ecosystem make--or "rural landscapes". If I was a member of the COF, I'd be inclined to sue them for misrepresentation and misuse of funds. But as a non member, I'm just saddened that the Foundation's resources are being diverted from what should be its core work, because make no mistake, California's native oak forests are under severe threat from rural development.

Anonymous said...

Well, actually I've stopped giving money to CAL because of the university's heavy-handed approach to the stadium expansion and associated protest. It was quite distressing to be harassed recently by cops and told to get off the sidewalk when I recently tried to park at the Optometry parking lot (adjacent to the stadium). BTW: I have 2 degrees from UC and have worked for them, and I certainly don't look like a hippy tree sitter.