Wednesday, June 14, 2006

1982 Big Game: The Play

(Note from editor: the count down to the Cal-Tennessee game has begun, so here is something to get you fired up for the season)


Final Minutes of the 1982 Big Game - Video footage combined with Joe Starkey’s play by play:



Quotes from horse-toothed Elway:

“This was an insult to college football'' “It was just a farce. They (the officials) didn't have control of the whole game. They ruined my last game as a college football player.''

“I don't believe they can take something away like that. I don't believe they can take something like that away from this program.'' “Something has to be done about the referees, there's no doubt in my mind. Its all right to make a mistake, but somebody should be man enough to stand up and admit it.''  “It was a very bittersweet ending. I did not want it to end this way. It's something I'll have to live with the rest of my life.”


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